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Currently reading

Take My Picture
Giselle Ellis
Claire Thompson
Andrea Speed
After Ben
Con Riley
Second Chances
T.A. Webb
Lessons in Discovery
Charlie Cochrane
Nor Iron Bars a Cage
Kaje Harper
Learning Curve (Life Lessons, #4)
Kaje Harper

A Ghost of a Chance

A Ghost of a Chance - Josh Lanyon Quintessential Josh Lanyon.

A Limited Engagement

A Limited Engagement - Josh Lanyon Oh jeez!

Snowball in Hell (Doyle and Spain, #1)

Snowball in Hell (Doyle and Spain, #1) - Josh Lanyon **Spoiler**I wanted to like this book- I am a huge fan of Josh Lanyon. Sadly, this story did not work for me, at all. Another self loathing suicidal gay guy, so unnecessary.
If you are reading this and are not familair with the author. Plaese treat yourself to some of his other works. THE ADRIAN, oops I mean ADRIEN ENGLISH series-what a wonderful ride.

Best regards,

Dark Horse

Dark Horse - Kate Sherwood Dan and Justin were in love, when they looked at each other they were enough, they were complete, they were a whole, until Justin dies.

Dan meets Evan and Jeff, a couple who were not enough for each other so they kept an open relationship (casual sex). That soon was not enough to complete them, so they invited Dan into a 3 way relationship. ( do you suppose the guys now will feel complete)?

A story of sad, pathetic , lonely men.

No folks- I have no issue with open relationships, as long as honesty & a bit of integrity is involved.

Don't ever remember feeling so disgusted after reading a book

Blood Red Butterfly

Blood Red Butterfly - Josh Lanyon
Kai-"wide dark eyes, like a faun."

Ryo- "a cross between Russell Wong" (1/2 Euro, 1/2 Chinese) and "Dean Cain" ( ¼ Japanese, ¾ Euro)".

Just so long the 2 Asian characters don’t look too Asian.

The Archer

The Archer - Abigail Roux Six of the words best, highly skilled Undercover Agents.

Brandt, Remy, Shawn, Nikolaus, Carl & Thiago

They gather in a remote cabin for their mission. A massive explosion. Remy is severely wounded.,
They locate a Veterinarian to administer first aid.
In cold blood, Brant wants to execute the innocent Vet. to cover tracks.
The other agents convince him not to.

6 agents, 1 we know is evil.
How will this potentially exciting 600 page story play out?

Let me help you out?
Above where it says, the "best highly skilled undercover agents".
Yea, ignore that.
In it's place put:
1 evil and 5 bumbling, idiotic, dick driven, stooges.


Youre a slut,
No I'm not.
Yes you are
Somebody please run your hands through my curly hair
I love him.
And he loves you. Let's fuck. But someone please run their hand through my curly hair as a tear falls from my face.
I love you and you love me but what about him?
I thought I loved you but it wasn't love. Let's watch those 2 fuck. But please rub your hands through my curly hair while stroking my chin.
I need to blow up something. But if you butt fuck me I wont need to blow up something.
Oh my god I killed him, I want to die. But please fuck me first before I kill myself, and don't forget to rub your hands through my curly hair.
You're a liar
No I'm not
You are a liar.
No I'm not.
You betrayed us-
Yes, but I'm not a liar.
I am going to kill him
You shot me and it was my fault, wont you forgive me?
No, it was my fault, please forgive me?
I do forgive you but do you forgive me?
Yes I forgive you.
But how can you forgive me after I shot you?
Because I love you and it was my fault that you shot me.
Wha? Fuck me and run your fingers through my curly hair.
I thought you loved him.
That was yesterday.
Wont somebody gently wrap their arms around my waist and nuzzle my neck while running your hands through my curly hair and brush the single tear from my face. But I hate you.
I need to blow up a building with innocent people. But first won't somebody dump their load up my ass?
I love you-wait-YES I'm right, it's you I love and it's you I hate. Right, wait, wha? Of fuck-just somebody run their hands through my curly hair.
I killed him- I want die.
But you can't die, we all love you-
Fuck you I want to die. But please stroke my chin gently and rub your hands through my curly hair.
I love you-
No, you loved me yesterday. Today you love him.
Oh right, thanks.
Oh I love you. Please fuck my hole while the other 4 watch and run your hands through my curly hair.
I killed him.
Yes,I want to die but fuck me first and run your hands through my curly hair.
He doesn't love me, oh god, I have to blow up something.
Wait, who do I love?
Dang-I shot him again.

Page 576, YES 576 pages!


ps-evil guy finds love instead of accountability.



Again - Mary Calmes
This was so bad it made me want to take a close look at the author and ask myself if I want to support her career with future book purchases, unless I need to rate this potentially important book a 5 star.

The story of Noah and Dante and how they seperated was beyond implausible unless Ms. Calmes had something different in mind.

I noticed this was one of Ms. Calmes lowest rated books. I think there was a lot of confusion from her readers.

And upon a reread of the book I came to the conclusion that the characters were not as they appear at face value.

I took a closer look at the characters and discovered:

Noah- sweet, weak (deals with trauma laying on the floor while friend spoon feed him), obsessed (drained his life savings to have a child with wealthy, Dante).

Dante-strong, controlling, manipulative, pathological liar, boarding on sociopathic tendencies. He always gets what he wants and if he had wanted Noah over the past 5 years, nothing would have stopped him.

Keith- great guy, clearly loved him iand Grace loved Keith.

When rereading the book I discovered Dante’s mother and brother both appeared concerned for Noah, as Dante was trying to reenter his life. Do they know something?

The biggest tell was when Noah and Dante walked in on Keith and Wes. Noah’s reactions and inability to accept his part. It was all about blame.

Dante wants one things- Gracie- and nothing will stop him.

The sad story of a pitiful man obsessed with a controlling liar.

Had Ms. Calmes gone an extra step in this potentially important story, I feel her readers, including myself could have been blown away.